It works on specific PC & is specific to the software(s) also which is configured in the license key.
The motive behind owning a license is to avoid the software from getting copied, shared or illegally used (casual piracy) by non-licensed users thus increase the revenue.
A soft key is embedded from installed PC H/W components and is therefore not portable.
In case two files to be shared are having the same batch id & package id, authorization key access code is used to differentiate between them it's always unique. User will be able to access data with written authorization key access code in a file & same code exists in Softkey.
Group ID provides a common code among different encrypted files. A user can group the individual's file based on assigned group-id.
Client needs to define the physical Area code where the license will be delivered to its licensed user.
Sub-Dealer denotes the dealer id(s) in a specific area code, the Area code can contain multiple sub-dealers.
Name of the person who holds the hardware/Soft license.
List of features to be given in Application/Software, the user can select the feature(s) to be given in license key.
Refers to the date/time when the license was configured for the last time. The client can set/reset this date along with time.
Batch & packages provide the unique combined encryption key for data encryption. Multiple batches/Packages can be created by the client for the same ID/Account. The user configures a single batch with multiple packages in the license key. .
It refers to the geographical location of a particular hardware/soft license key where it will be accessible. The client can select the latitude-longitude values from the map and enter them here to set the geo-location for selected hardware
Batch & packages provide the unique combined encryption key for data encryption. Multiple batches/Packages can be created by the client for the same ID/Account. The user configures a single batch with multiple packages in the license key.
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